1. Coach Support
  2. Positive Intelligence IP: Intellectual Property & Branding

What is a non-exclusive license?

Active PQ Coach members, whether "Certified" or not, have non-exclusive rights to use intellectual property following IP Guidelines. Membership is essential for access, and it ceases when membership expires.

As a PQ Coach member, whether “Certified” or not, in good standing (meaning you have an active membership subscription), you are granted permission to use our intellectual property as outlined in our IP Guidelines. If you were the only person granted permission to use our intellectual property, that would be an “exclusive” right. “Non-exclusive” means that your fellow PQ Coach members have the same permission.

We emphasize that only PQ Coach members in good standing are granted access to our intellectual property. That means someone who merely read the Positive Intelligence book or was part of our multi-million-dollar coaching grant program, but did not become a PQ Coach member, is not eligible to use our intellectual property.

Similarly, if you no longer have an active PQ Coach membership, you will no longer have rights to Positive Intelligence’s intellectual property. Your non-exclusive license is part of your PQ Coach membership benefits for as long as you remain a member of our program.