Using the Pod Manager Tool to Create Personal Pods

The Pod Manager feature allows coaches to create up to 5 private pods.

  • Pod Manager is a tool that helps Coaches to create and manage private pods of up to 16 people. Click Here to go to Pod Manager Feature.
  • The Pod Manager feature eliminates the need to host Pods externally & allows Coaches to join all of their created pods and have them visible in the Community area of the PQ App.
  • Coaches can have 5 create pods at once.

What do Coaches need to do to form a private Pod?

  • Find the feature in the PQ app by clicking on the magnifying glass icon in Community

    • Select Pod Manager in the Explore page


Click "Create New" to create a pod

  • Up to 5 pods can be created
  • Pod names are limited to 25 characters
  • Pods are limited to 16 members maximum

Invite new people to pod using their email address

  • Make sure you use the same email address the user is using for their PQ App
  • All of the members of the pod are considered Pod admins & members can send invitations via username or email associated with their PQ account
  • Until the invitation is accepted or dismissed, the invitation spot is reserved 
  • Members can withdraw invitations that have not been accepted yet & if the invitation is withdrawn, the invite link will be expired

Remove people from the pod

  • Members can remove other members from the pod, so inactive pod members do not stall the progress of active members
  • Members can leave pods voluntarily at any time
  • If the last member of the pod leaves, the pod & all the conversations within are deleted

Accepting the Pod invitation

  • When a new member is invited to join the pod, they get an email with the invitation link, where they can accept or decline the invitation
  • Accepting or declining an invitation doesn't require a login
  • If the invitation is accepted, current members of the pod will be notified that a new member joined
  • Once declined, the invitation will expire

Pods can be renamed and reused

  • You can edit the pod name and add and remove members at any time.
  • This allows you to create new pods once an old pod has expired or ended the PQ Program.