Communities of Practice

Communities of Practice unite people with shared expertise and passion, improving skills through collaboration.

  • Led by dedicated PQ Certified Coaches, these niche groups foster continuous growth and resource-sharing.
  • Communities of Practice are groups of people informally bound together by shared expertise and a passion for what they do.
  • As they work together and interact regularly, they grow their expertise and improve their skill sets.
  • The word “practice” is key. To have an interest in something tends to lead toward intellectual curiosity.
  • To be a member of a Community of Practice means that you are a practitioner, regularly working on your craft so that it will continuously improve.
  • Many communities of practice develop shared resources from tools, case studies, stories, experiences, and strategies to tackle problems – especially recurring ones.
  • By working together, each practitioner gains from the experience of the others in the community. Over time and sustained interaction, the value of the community grows as each member contributes for the benefit of all.
  • Each Community of Practice's success depends on an active volunteer leadership team that supports and co-leads with its Chair and Co-Chair.
  • The Chairs of each Community of Practice meet monthly with the PQ team to address needs, areas of growth, and increase collaboration among the communities and with Positive Intelligence team members.

For more information on Communities of Practice, including some background and a list of existing Communities and their Chairs, please visit the Community of Practice module in the Learning Hub