Changes between beta and the new PQ Program

Feedback from beta has been instrumental in application and content adjustments for the new PQ Program.

The following includes the most important changes based on beta feedback:

  • The Week 1: Self-Command and PQ Reps Module includes two new videos to provide greater clarity on the introduction of PQ Reps and Sage Steps.
  • First Rep as a Sage Step has been removed, and instead, users track and record their morning routines as PQ Reps.  
  • We have modified the “pull” language of the Daily Focus and Recharge sessions to be more encouraging of doing Recharge sessions and PQ Gym sessions.

The following are changes still in progress based on beta feedback:

  • Adjustments to any Module video segments that may receive feedback necessitating updates or changes.
  • First-time user data is being collected to calibrate the Sage Muscle leveling system. Please consider the current leveling thresholds as temporary, pending more calibration.  
  • Once the Sage Muscle leveling system is calibrated, we will introduce additional level(s) beyond the current Level 5. At that point, we will incorporate the old PQ score of our existing users with the new score, thereby advancing most existing coaches/users to new levels.
  • We will add messaging that addresses the small minority of users who max out on daily maximum levels so they remain motivated to continue to do more.
  • As with any technology, updates are ongoing, and you can expect the implementation of new items and features over time.

While the PQ operating system* is unchanged and will remain unchanged, we will continue to gather feedback and continue to enhance how we inspire and motivate users to engage in the daily practice of the operating system. We're continuously enhancing our offerings through an ongoing, iterative development approach.

*The PQ operating system includes the concepts of Positive Intelligence introduced and defined through the PQ Program: the Judge, the accomplice Saboteurs, and the Sage and Five Sage Powers. PQ Program participants form new positive habits by catching their Saboteurs, energizing their Sage brain, and using their Sage Powers. Once a participant completes the PQ Program, they have a strong understanding of these concepts, integrate PQ into their daily practice, and continue exploring more applications of the PQ operating system to their daily life.