PQ Model for Coaching

PQ has a guided model for coaching clients using our operating system. This is an overview of some frequently asked questions:

You can find more instruction on the PQ Model in the Learning Hub here

When should I use the PQ Model? 

Answer: We recommend using the PQ Model for all of your coaching sessions. The blueprint supports you in guiding clients through the PQ Model. Lean on that! And, of course, feel free to practice the blueprint first with other coaches and family/friends as you become familiar with it.

Does the PQ Model work in a Business-to-Business (B2B) or executive coaching context?

Answer: Yes, it is appropriate for all clients who have been through the PQ Program. As you practice and learn the PQ Model, you will discern how to adapt the flow of the model to your individual client.

Do my coaching clients have to have completed the PQ Program before using the PQ Model?

Answer: We recommend having clients first go through the PQ Program. However, if that’s not possible, you can still educate clients about the PQ operating system and use the blueprint to guide coaching sessions. 

What happens after the first coaching session? Do I use the same blueprint?

Answer: There are slight modifications you can make to the PQ Model. Look for pointers in the blueprint on how to modify the session after the first time you use it with a client. Once your client has internalized how to use the Sage Powers, you can improvise with the timing of the session to meet the client where they are. However, the basic structure and how the blueprint moves the client through each of the Sage Powers is powerful and should be consistent. 

How long should a coaching session be when using the PQ Model blueprint? Can I do shorter/longer sessions?

Answer: The model is flexible. If you follow the blueprint as presented, it will be an approximately hour-long session. As you learn the PQ Model, adapting and doing much shorter sessions is easy.

What if my client doesn’t feel comfortable closing their eyes?

Answer: The invitation to close their eyes is just that, an invitation. If your client is not comfortable with that, honor that. And, as they become more familiar with the process and your relationship, bring this request back for them to reconsider because it does enhance their experience.

What if my client can’t visualize? (i.e., visualize their elder self)

Answer: Many clients do not have clear visual images in the visualizations.  However, most clients can imagine their situation, even if they don’t see images, and move through the experience very effectively. It is important to assure the client that they will benefit from the visualization exercises if they can be with their immediate experience.  

It feels like I’m talking more than I usually do in coach sessions. What’s the rationale for that?

Answer: Yes, you will be more active in a PQ Model session because you have two outcomes: (1) Supporting the client in learning and internalizing the PQ operating system and (2)Turning whatever situation or challenge they bring to coaching into a gift or opportunity. We do this naturally throughout the session and move into action to create results in Activate. However, over time, you will find that your clients will begin to take a more active voice. 

How does this blueprint allow me as a coach to dance in the moment with whatever might come up for my client?

Answer: There is a great deal of freedom within the form of the blueprint.  At first, as you are learning to use it, it may feel different from how you usually coach. As you gain facility with it and have more insight into how each phase of the model impacts the client, you will find you can dance with each part of the process to support your client very effectively.

As an experienced master coach, why should I use and follow this blueprint? 

Answer: The blueprint for PQ coaching is foundational for learning PQ Coaching.  PQ Coaching differs from usual coaching in that one of its aims is to create clients that are PQ-Powered.  In this respect, the blueprint is a foundational practice for any coach who wants to be a PQ Coach. It is like a musician who regularly practices their scales to improve their ability to perform. When we practice with the blueprint as seasoned coaches it deepens our practice.  We then open ourselves to what it has to teach us about coaching, change, and the Sage Powers.